Let's Learn About Machine Wash Deluxe
Welcome to Machine Wash Deluxe! Now you can create professional quality weathering, surface and tactile effects on any image in Adobe Photoshop and compatibles. This manual explains how to install and get the most out of your new software and provides an overview of all Machine Wash Deluxe features.

Machine Wash Deluxe was originally created in 2004 to create a dimensional tactile look popular in the apparel industry by eroding textures from layered graphical designs. It was an instant hit.
As it matured, we developed new ways for users to have more control over the erosion or 'washing' effect and introduced more sophisticated surface and background effects as we moved from four separate products to a single plug-in.
After collecting years worth of user feedback, we approached the next version questioning everything. We built Machine Wash Deluxe from scratch improving and expanding it as we went, making it more versatile, powerful and easier to use than ever before.
Fundamentally, there are three separate parts to the Machine Wash Deluxe filter: Wash, Surface and Background and here's how they all work together.
When a Wash is applied to an image, it is by default eroding the image to reveal the Background beneath. The actual surface of the loaded image can be further colorized, texturized or altered from there using the Surface feature to create additional effects.
You can choose to use just one or all of these tools to create a huge variety of stunning visual effects.
Let's Get Started!
Machine Wash Deluxe has so many amazing effects and ways to create them, it's always best to spend a few minutes with this manual before you get started to make the most of this plug-in.
If you haven't yet installed and activated Machine Wash Deluxe, click here!
If you've already installed Machine Wash Deluxe and are ready to get going, click here to get familiar with the User Interface.